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Showing posts from February, 2010

Glava šibice - Head of matches

Svaka ideja je kao glava šibice. Ako joj je osnova dobra, lako je upaliti vatru. -------------- Any idea is like the head of matches. If  her basis is good,  its easy to ignite the fire.

Imamo godine - We got years

Imati jednu bilo je smešno, pet zanimljivo, deset uzdiljivo, petnaest neshvatljivo, dvadeset energično, dvadeset pet euforično. Imati trideset je veličanstveno, a vreme i dalje piše. ---------------------- Have one was funny, five interesting, ten exciting, fifteen incredible, twenty energetic, twenty-five euphoric. Have thirty is magnificent, and time still writes.

Život je.... - Life is...

Život nisu dani ni godine, već sekunde i minuti kojima se vraćamo svaki put kada želimo da se podsetimo šta smo već proživeli. ---------------------------------------- Life is not days nor years, but seconds and minutes to whom we're coming back every time when we want to recall what we already experienced.