Kada budiš lava... - When you wake up a lion November 24, 2010 Kada probudiš lava ne očekuj da mjauče. ------------ When you wake up lion, do not expect that he gona mew. Share Get link Facebook X Pinterest Email Other Apps Share Get link Facebook X Pinterest Email Other Apps
Ogledalo muzike - Mirror of music September 01, 2015 Muzika je ogledalo proživljenih emocija. ................... Music is a mirror of lived emotions. Read more
Šta vidiš - What you see August 12, 2014 Nije u vezi toga gde se nalaziš, već šta vidiš. ................... It`s not about where you are, it`s about what you see. Read more
Best frend - Najbolji prijatelj November 11, 2009 Najbolji prijatelj je onaj koji i kad mu se ništa ne radi uživa da potroši svoje vreme sa tobom. -------------------------------------- The best friend is the one who even when has nothing to do enjoy to spend his time with you. Read more