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Showing posts from 2010

Zavisiti - Depend

Svi zavisimo jedni od drugih, svesno ili nesvesno. Potrudi se da se ne ljutiš na one od kojih zavisiš. ----------------------------------- We all depend on each other, conscious or unconscious. Put an effort to not to get anger on those whom you depends from.

Kreativna energija - Creative energy

Kreativna energija može se održati samo konstantnom kreativnošću. Učestalost vodi do savršenog kreativnog izražaja stvaraoca. ----------------------- Creative energy can only be sustained with constant creativity. Continuum leads to perfect creative expression of creator.

Prijateljske oči - Friendly eyes

Ma koliko mislili da nam je pogled bistar, neke stvari u životu prijateljske oči bolje sagledaju. ------------------ No matter how much we thought that are view is pure, some things in life friendly eyes sees better.

Vrata - Doors

Nije samo bitno koliko su ti vrata otvorili, nego i koliko si ih ti pridržao drugima. ------------------------ Not only matters how much doors other were opened for you, than how much you were hold for the others.

Ja borba - I fight

Od svih borbi koje vodimo tokom svojih života, najteže su one u kojima se borimo protiv sebe. --------------------------------- From all battles we are fighting during our lives, most difficult are dose whom we fight against ourselves.

Snaga u nama - Power in ourselves

Snaga koju nosimo u sebi, blago je koje nam niko ne može ukrasti, niti se može potrošiti ako se za dobro koristi. ------------ The power we bear in ourselves is treasure that no one can steal, nor can be spend  if is used for good.

Krčag mudrosti - Pot of wisdom

Kada se krčag mudrosti isprazni teško je pronaći bunar da se svežom mudrošću napuni. --------------- When a pot of wisdom drilled its hard to find a fountain to fill it with fresh one.

Promene u ritmu - Changes in Rhythm

Život čiji je ritam uvek isti vremenom postane dosadan. Promene u ritmu su ono što nas tera da plešemo. ------------------------ Life in wich the rhytm is always the same become boring after a while. Changes in rhytm are those what forces us to dance.

Raditi - To work

Tokom života čovek može da radi svašta, ali je najteže da postigne da radi šta mu je želja. ------- During life man can work many things, but most difficult is to him to achieve to work what is on his will.

Najteža borba - Hardest fight

Najteže je pobediti u borbi pre koje si ubedio sebe da si već izgubio. -------------------- The hardest thing is to win the fight before which you're convinced yourself that you already lost.

Priseti se - Recollect

Priseti se svih osmeha, mirisnih nota parfema, vedrog plavog neba sa blistavim suncem i čisto belim oblacima, veselih ptica koje u rano proleće svojom pesmom bude novi dan, pruženih ruku, velikih aplauza, toplih poljubaca, pozdrava, zagrljaja, suza radosnica, slatkih i smešnih priča, plesova i pokušaja istih, muzike, mnogo muzike ... Priseti se - jer to čini život. --------- Recollect all smiles, perfume fragrances, cheerful blue sky with shining sun and pure white clouds, happy birds in the early spring that wakes a new day with their song, provided hands, big applause, warm kiss, greetings, hugs, tears of happiness, sweet and funny stories, dances and there attempts, music, a lot of music... Recollect- cause its made by life.

Imamo godine - We got years

Imati jednu bilo je smešno, pet zanimljivo, deset uzdiljivo, petnaest neshvatljivo, dvadeset energično, dvadeset pet euforično. Imati trideset je veličanstveno, a vreme i dalje piše. ---------------------- Have one was funny, five interesting, ten exciting, fifteen incredible, twenty energetic, twenty-five euphoric. Have thirty is magnificent, and time still writes.

Život je.... - Life is...

Život nisu dani ni godine, već sekunde i minuti kojima se vraćamo svaki put kada želimo da se podsetimo šta smo već proživeli. ---------------------------------------- Life is not days nor years, but seconds and minutes to whom we're coming back every time when we want to recall what we already experienced.

Kasna nagrada - Late award

Prekasno uručena nagrada kao mač je zariven u srce pobedničkog gladijatora. ----------------------- Award given to late is like a sword plunged in to the heart of winning gladiator.

Okvir - Frame

Prošlost se nikada ne može ponoviti na apsolutno identičan način. Okvir prozora nikada nije isti. -------------------- Past can never be repeated on an absolutely identical way. Window frame is never the same.

Pametan - Smart one

Pametan nije koji zna sve, pametan je onaj koji zna šta treba. ------------------- Smart isn't who knows all, smart is who knows what he needs.

Pantalone - Pants

Ako žena nosi pantalone muškarac mora da zna kako da ih skroji. -------------------------------------------- If women wears a pants man needs to know how to cut out them.

Gde smo? - Where are we?

Tamo smo gde želimo da budemo samo to ponekad ne želimo da prihvatimo. --------------. We are there where we want to be but sometimes we just dont wont to except that.

Novac i emocije - Money and emotions

Nekada su emocije toliko vezane za novac da se postavlja pitanje: Da li je pesma neka vrsta menice? ----------------------- Sometimes emotions are so tied up for money that those raising a question: Is it song some kind of bank bill?

Stav - Standpoint

Ono što ne razumemo ne možemo niti da mrzimo, niti da volimo. Naš razum diktira zauzeti stav. ------------------- What we don't understand we can't neither love nor hate. Our consiuss mind dictate our standpoint.

Ćutanje - Silence

Ćutanje je jedan od najglasnijih načina da se iskaže stav. ------------------------- Silence is one of  the loudest ways to express attitude.

Izgleda tako - Appears to look

Ono što je daleko od nas desi se da izgleda privlačnije od svega što nam pred očima stoji. Odličan vid i daljinu i blizinu vidi bistro. ---------------------- What is far away from us appears to look more attractive from everything that stands in front of us. An excellent vision see clearly both distance and near.

Utisak - Impression

Neke ljude znamo samo na trenutak, ali utisak o njima traje ceo život. -------------------- We know some people only for a moment, but impression about them lasts for a lifetime.