Zivot je ono sto se desava u trenucima kada osecamo da smo slobodni od svih stega pritisaka, obaveza i zelja okoline, samo svoji i svoga zivota umetnici. ------------------ Life is what happens in moments when we feel that we are free from all constraints of pressures, environmental obligations and desires, only our and artists of our own life.
Svaki pogled ima svoje opravdanje. Granice morala odredjuju koji je ispravan. ------- Each view has its own justification. Moral boundaries determine which is correct.
Ako postoje osobe kojima se ne svidjas, pokusaj da budes covek koji salje ljubav i njima. Ljubav ce kruziti, i naposletku se vratiti cak i kroz te osobe. Pokusaj srcem, ne umom. ------- If there are a persons that don't likes you, try to be human that sends love even to them. Love will circle, and eventually run back even through that persons as well. Try with your hearth, not with your mind.
Život je velika slagalica. Pronađi sve delove koji čine sliku i bićeš miran duhom. Ako si i dalje nemiran znači da slagalica nije dovršena, nego samo oni delovi koje trenutno tvoje oči pokrivaju. Traži dalje delove koji ti nedostaju. ------------------- Life is a big puzzle. Find all parts that makes your picture right and you will be peaceful. If you are still restless, than puzzle is not finished, just those parts that are at the moment covered with your eyes. Search further for parts that you are missing.