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Showing posts from December, 2009

Senke - Shadows

Svi bacamo senke tokom života, samo su nečije malo izražajnije. --------------------------------------- We all throwing shadows during lives, just for some they are more expressive.

Traganje - Searching

Nekada se dogodi da ono što smo pronašli bude bolje od onoga za čime smo tragali. ------------------------------------- Sometimes what we found happens to be better than what we searched for.

Postati čovek - Becoming a man

Na samo tren ugledah odsjaj majke i oca svoga u zamagljenom ogledalu kupatila i shvatih da postadoh čovek. ------------------------ For just the moment I saw reflection of mother and father of my in a blurred bathroom mirror and realized that I became a man.

Mera u radu - Measure in work

Jedina mera u radu je raditi onoliko koliko individua oseća da treba. Sve preko protivi se volji i nikome ne donosi korist. ------------------------ Only measure in work is to work as much as individual feels is a need. Everything above that is oposite to will and has no benefits to nobody.

Iste bitke - Same battles

Ima rana koje nikada ne zacele, ali iste bitke u kojima smo ih zadobili netreba ponovo voditi. -------------------------------------------- There are wounds that never heal, but the same battles in which we acquired them should not be rerun.

Prepoznavanje - Recognizing

Dan kada budem prepoznao ko sam biće dan kada to više neću biti. ------------------------ The day when I gonna recognize who I am will be the day when that I will be no more.

Vreme za stvari - Time for the things

Neke stvari dogode se odmah, za neke je potrebno vreme, a nekima vreme nikada i nije bilo namenjeno. ----------------------------- Some things happen immediately, for some is needed time, and for some others time was never intended.

Potreba - Need

Potreba za načinom da se oprosti veća je of želje da se spozna nešto novo.  -------------- The need for way to forgive is bigger than wish to understand somthing new.

Jedan dobar osmeh - One good smile

Ako ti je ostao bar jedan dobar osmeh ne ustručavaj se da ga upotrebiš čim ugrabiš priliku. ----------------------- If you had left with at least one good smile don't hesitate to use it first time when you grab the chance.