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Showing posts from 2009

Senke - Shadows

Svi bacamo senke tokom života, samo su nečije malo izražajnije. --------------------------------------- We all throwing shadows during lives, just for some they are more expressive.

Traganje - Searching

Nekada se dogodi da ono što smo pronašli bude bolje od onoga za čime smo tragali. ------------------------------------- Sometimes what we found happens to be better than what we searched for.

Postati čovek - Becoming a man

Na samo tren ugledah odsjaj majke i oca svoga u zamagljenom ogledalu kupatila i shvatih da postadoh čovek. ------------------------ For just the moment I saw reflection of mother and father of my in a blurred bathroom mirror and realized that I became a man.

Mera u radu - Measure in work

Jedina mera u radu je raditi onoliko koliko individua oseća da treba. Sve preko protivi se volji i nikome ne donosi korist. ------------------------ Only measure in work is to work as much as individual feels is a need. Everything above that is oposite to will and has no benefits to nobody.

Iste bitke - Same battles

Ima rana koje nikada ne zacele, ali iste bitke u kojima smo ih zadobili netreba ponovo voditi. -------------------------------------------- There are wounds that never heal, but the same battles in which we acquired them should not be rerun.

Prepoznavanje - Recognizing

Dan kada budem prepoznao ko sam biće dan kada to više neću biti. ------------------------ The day when I gonna recognize who I am will be the day when that I will be no more.

Vreme za stvari - Time for the things

Neke stvari dogode se odmah, za neke je potrebno vreme, a nekima vreme nikada i nije bilo namenjeno. ----------------------------- Some things happen immediately, for some is needed time, and for some others time was never intended.

Potreba - Need

Potreba za načinom da se oprosti veća je of želje da se spozna nešto novo.  -------------- The need for way to forgive is bigger than wish to understand somthing new.

Jedan dobar osmeh - One good smile

Ako ti je ostao bar jedan dobar osmeh ne ustručavaj se da ga upotrebiš čim ugrabiš priliku. ----------------------- If you had left with at least one good smile don't hesitate to use it first time when you grab the chance.

Ovladati strahom - Conquering fear

Strah je najgori mogući način da dokažemo sebi da za nešto nismo spremni. Ovladati strahom korak je bliže ka uspehu. ------------------------ Fear is the worst possible way to prove ourselves that we are not ready for something. Conquering fear is a step closer to success.

Ja izgled - I look

Ja je jedno od mnogih JA koje svakodnevno oblačimo čim otvorimo oči. Lepo mi stoji današnje Ja. ------------------------------------ I is one of many I`s whom we dressing up every day as soon as we open are eyes. Todays I nicely fits to me.

Istrajnost - Endurance

Istrajati je lako sa stvarima za koje smo sigurni da im je vreme. --------------------- To endure is easy with tings in which we are sure that it's there time.

Dani - Days

Neki su dani samo malo više dani od ostalih. -------------------- Some days are just a little bit more days than the others.

Gajiti cvet - Cultivate flower

Sav trud uložen u zalivanje cveta nije dovoljan, ako nema sunca da odradi svoj deo posla. ----------------- All the effort in watering the flower is not enough, if there´s no sun to do his part of job.

Pružiti ruku - To give a hand

Pružiti ruku nekome ko je pao i pomoći mu da ponovo ustane lakše je od osmeha upućenog sa namerom. -------------------------------------------------------- To give a hand to someone who had fall down, and help him to stand up again, is easier than smile givened with propose.

Odvezane pertle - Untied shoelaces

Ako kroz život trčimo u patikama sa odvezanim pertlama, makar to bilo na najidealnijoj površini velike su šanse da se jednom sapletemo. ---------------------------------------------- If we run through life in sneakers with untied shoelaces, even if it is on the most ideal surface, chances are big that once we will fall.

Slika i reči - Picture and words

Kažu da slika vredi hiljadu reči. Da li je hiljadu slika dovoljno da se ćuti? ----------------------------------------- They say that one picture is worth thousand words. Is it thousand picture than enough to be silent?

Best frend - Najbolji prijatelj

Najbolji prijatelj je onaj koji i kad mu se ništa ne radi uživa da potroši svoje vreme sa tobom. -------------------------------------- The best friend is the one who even when has nothing to do enjoy to spend his time with you.

Kikiriki savet - Peanut advice

Ukoliko prodavac kaže da je kikiriki preslan to se mora prihvatiti kao dobar savet. ----------------------------------------------------- If the seller says that peanuts is too salty that  must be accepted as a good advice.

Namerna koincidencija - Intentional coincidence

Osećati iskrenu potrebu za promenom i raditi u smeru promene vodi do korelacije želje i ostvarenja promene. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Feel a sincere need for change and work in direction of change leads to a correlation between desire and achieving of change.

Kap po kap - Drop by drop

Kap po kap kiše čisti tragove prošlosti na ulici sećanja. ---------------------------------------------- Drop by drop rain cleans the traces of past on the street of memories.

Šišanje - Haircut

Šišanje ima tendeciju da liči na neke delove iz života. Kada nešto izraste i poružni dobro je potražiti pomoć da se isto skrati i napravi privlačnijim. -------------------------------------------- Haircut has a tendency to looks like some parts from the life. When something grows and gets uglyer its good to look for help to cut it and make it more attractive.

Van koloseka - Derailed

Iskočiti iz koloseka svakodnevnice pobudjuje uspavane osećaje. ----------------------------------------------- Derailed from everyday railroad awakes slipped fillings  

Zakasnele ideje - Late ideas

Postoji li neko logičko objašnjenje zašto neke ideje dolaze tako kasno? --------------------------------------------------- Is there any logic explanation why some ideas coming so late?

Vreme - Weather

Čudno vreme ovih godina: Leto pre proleća, zima pre jeseni. Da li će u godinama koje dolaze biti jeseni pre leta? ---------------------------------------------- Strange weather these years: Summer before spring, winter before autumn. Will it be, in years to come, autumn before summer?

Kalendar života - Life calendar

Nevidljiva beležnica u koju se automatski upisuje vreme boravka na planeti zemlji ažurirana je za još jedan vikend mog života. ------------------------------------------------- Invisible notebook in wich is automatically entered time of  residence on planeth Earth is updated with one more weekend of my life.

Poboljšati - To Improve

Kada postoji potreba da se nešto poboljša, posao ‚‚poboljšivača‚‚ je da dokaže da to što želi da poboljša nije već dovoljno poboljšano. ----------------------------------------------------- When there`s a need to improve something, improver job is to prove that what he wants to change is not improved enough already...

Neznanje - Ignorance

Prihvatiti neznanje prvi je korak napred. Ne znati spoznaja je blizine znanja koje želimo da izučimo. ----------------------------------------------------- First step forward is to embrace ignorance. To be ignorant is cognition of presence of knowledge which we wish to study.